Imagine standing at the threshold of your true essence, a place where clarity, peace, and profound wisdom await you. Our carefully crafted meditation is a gateway to this inner sanctuary, inviting you to surrender your worries and connect with the radiant energy of your Higher Self. As you close your eyes and breathe deeply, feel the burdens of the past lift away, allowing the whispers of your Soul to guide you toward self-discovery and healing.

Are you finding it difficult to forgive others?

Then this book is for you!

Your Past is a Gift

This empowering step-by-step guide helps you find the gift in every moment experienced in your life.

$17.99 for a limited time only

Your Past is a Gift

Are you struggling to love yourself?

Then this book is for you!

Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud

This empowering step-by-step guide helps you find the gifts within yourself.

$16.99 for a limited time only

Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud

Are you finding it impossible to turn off the monkey chatter in your head?

Then this book is for you!

Easy Mind Easy Life

Meditations to free your mind and engage your heart.

$15.99 for a limited time only

Easy Mind Easy Life

Do you feel unsupported and all alone in the world?

Then this book is for you!

When Love Leaves

A beautiful journey into opening your heart and allowing Angels to come in.

$17.99 for a limited time only

When Love Leaves

Do you feel lost and unsure of your purpose?

Then this book is for you!

You Can Change Your Past

Find out how to get in touch with your Soul and understand what your purpose is.

$17.99 for a limited time only

you can change your past


At Hollie Belle – Author, we wholeheartedly believe in the power of personal growth and transformation through our coaching sessions, yet it is important to recognize that these services are designed as complementary support and do not substitute for medical treatment or the expertise of healthcare professionals regarding your physical health.

As you embark on this enlightening journey, we encourage you to maintain open communication with your medical providers, ensuring that your holistic well-being remains a priority on all fronts while you explore the gifts each moment holds.

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Our weekly newsletter is the perfect way to connect with your higher self. Allow the messages from the Angels to speak directly to your heart.

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Your Past is a Gift

Why This Book was Written

Welcome to Your Past is a Gift

Here at Your Past is a Gift we want to empower you. That’s why we have created this step-by-step guide to help you understand the experiences you have had in your past.

This is my autobiography. I have used my own life story to help you work through your own life story.

So many self-help books teach you to bury the past and just focus on your future. The truth is you can’t create the life of your dreams until you understand the gifts you have already received.

covered in yucky mucky mud

Why This Book was Written

Welcome the Best Version of You

This book is dedicated to you. My dear sweet soul. Yes, you. The one reading this book. I’ve been told that you need me.

It would be wise to have this book, especially in these times of uncertainty, where we have become lost.

I hope that you will see yourself within these pages. And when that happens, you may begin to unravel the truth.

Easy Mind Easy Life

Why This Book was Written

Free Your Mind

Life is simple. Life is easy. We need to shed all that is no longer needed. Relieving the mind of all the pressure we have put on it. We have given the mind the job of having to figure it all out. It was never designed for this. That’s why it is in constant conflict

We need to step into the light. And all it takes is ONE breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. There you are.

When Love Leaves

Why This Book was Written

The Angels have Messages for You

Angels are with us in every moment. Unless we step into a higher vibration of love, they cannot communicate with us. We all have the ability to have conversations with these beautiful beings.

you can change your past

Why This Book was Written

You Can Change Your Past

Your Soul has a message for you. 

What if I told you that you can change your past?

You would say I’m crazy, right? That’s impossible!
I am here to tell you that it is not only
possible but true.


Imagine standing at the threshold of your true essence, a place where clarity, peace, and profound wisdom await you. Our carefully crafted meditation is a gateway to this inner sanctuary, inviting you to surrender your worries and connect with the radiant energy of your Higher Self. As you close your eyes and breathe deeply, feel the burdens of the past lift away, allowing the whispers of your Soul to guide you toward self-discovery and healing.

About the author.

Hollie Belle



Hollie Belle has spent most of her life living in a fog, though she has always known she is different and unique.

Since her awakening, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge with everyone who is ready to wake up, helping others gain clarity about their own lives and find their true purpose in life.

She lives with her daughter and husband in Sydney, Australia.

Hollie has spent the last forty years looking for answers to life’s most important questions.

Her quest is now to shed some light on these for others.

Hollie Belle

Autobiography: Your Past is a Gift

As long as you keep burying your past, ignoring it, or just pretending that it never existed, you will always feel stuck. When you understand the value of each experience that you have had in your life, then and only then can your life take off.

In this unique work, Your Past is a Gift, you will learn:

  • Who you truly are
  • The purpose of your relationships
  • How to learn from your mistakes
  • What’s holding you back
  • Why you are angry or frustrated
  • The truth about your money issues
  • The reason you feel alone
Your Past is a Gift

What’s inside

The Truth About

your Childhood

The Truth About

your Anger

The Truth About

your Relationships

The Truth About

Your Sadness and Depression

The Truth About

your Money Issues

The Truth About

Who you truly are

The Truth About

why you feel stuck in certain patterns

The Truth About

your Fears



Your Past is a Gift

Hollie Belle – Author

Sample Pages

Your Past is a Gift

Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift

Click on the icon in the middle of each page to enlarge.

Sample Pages

Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud

Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud
Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud
Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud
Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud

Click on the icon in the middle of each page to enlarge.

Sample Pages

Easy Mind Easy life

easy mind easy life
easy mind easy life
easy mind easy life
easy mind easy life

Click on the icon in the middle of each page to enlarge.

Sample Pages

When Love Leaves

when love leaves
when love leaves
when love leaves
when love leaves

Click on the icon in the middle of each page to enlarge.

Sample Pages

You Can Change Your Past

Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift

Click on the icon in the middle of each page to enlarge.


Imagine standing at the threshold of your true essence, a place where clarity, peace, and profound wisdom await you. Our carefully crafted meditation is a gateway to this inner sanctuary, inviting you to surrender your worries and connect with the radiant energy of your Higher Self. As you close your eyes and breathe deeply, feel the burdens of the past lift away, allowing the whispers of your Soul to guide you toward self-discovery and healing.

Heal Your past

Your Past is a Gift

This book was written through the eyes of a child. My inner child.
In the hope that somewhere within these pages, something
may resonate with you and help you find your inner child. So
that you can give this young individual all the love and care
they need.

Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift
Your Past is a Gift

Clean off the Mud

Covered in Yucky Mucky Mud

Deep down, you know the truth. And that’s why you are here right now.
Life is simple. Life is easy.

We need to shed all that is no longer required and step into the light.

covered in yucky mucky mud
covered in yucky mucky mud
covered in yucky mucky mud

Free Your Mind

Easy Mind Easy Life

How do you know if you are living your life to the fullest?
That’s a good question and it starts with how present you are in each moment

Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life
Easy Mind Easy Life

open your heart

When Love Leaves

Because no matter what you’ve been through, no matter what you’ve done, you are love and you are loved. Beyond what you could possibly imagine. The love that surrounds you every single day is mind-blowing.

When Love Leaves
When Love Leaves
When Love Leaves

set yourself free

You Can Change Your Past

Here we meet again my Beloved. And this time I am here to remind you that you are the love and the light. We will be circling back to this many times throughout this book.

Why? I hear you ask.

Well, because once you remember this very important truth, then everything will shift in your life.

you can change your past
you can change your past
you can change your past
Your Past is a Gift

What are you Waiting For?

Stop Reacting to Life and Start Responding

It is a glimpse into my journey and how my thoughts have
created every single experience in my life. I have written my
story for you, so that you may understand the moments that
you have set up in your life and help you create the life of your
dreams. Deliberately and intentionally from now on.

covered in yucky mucky mud

What are you Waiting For?

Your Life Starts Today

You see, there cannot be peace in the world until we hold the peace within our hearts: every one of us. The earth is simply a reflection of how we are feeling inside.

Easy Mind Easy Life

What are you Waiting For?

Free Your Mind Today

Give each moment the opportunity to take you
on an enchanting journey into the world that
resides within you.

when love leaves

What are you Waiting For?

Open Your Heart Today

From the beautiful Earth to the amazing Angels that surround us in every moment. You are never alone. Not for one second. When we let go of all the things we are not and we are ready to return to our beautiful hearts, that’s where the magic happens.

you can change your past

What are you Waiting For?

Stop Reacting to Life and Start Responding

Once you remember the simple truth of who you are, the past won’t be able to hold anything on you. Being triggered will be a thing of the past. Pun intended. Moreover, your past will lose its power over your current present moment.

I am Light.

I am Dark


About the Book

Reading this book is no coincidence or mistake. Your Soul has led you to this information for a reason, so trust it. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Understand that this journey is unique to you.

Hollie Belle

You see, we are all here on different paths. No path is better than another. Each one is unique to the Soul experiencing it. Realise that you are one of a kind.

Check out our

NEW book!

I am Light. I am Dark.

The Sole Purpose of the Soul.

What message does your Soul have for you?

Hollie Belle

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Our weekly newsletter is the perfect way to connect with your higher self. Allow the messages from the Angels to speak directly to your heart.

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Imagine standing at the threshold of your true essence, a place where clarity, peace, and profound wisdom await you. Our carefully crafted meditation is a gateway to this inner sanctuary, inviting you to surrender your worries and connect with the radiant energy of your Higher Self. As you close your eyes and breathe deeply, feel the burdens of the past lift away, allowing the whispers of your Soul to guide you toward self-discovery and healing.

Other Books by Hollie Belle